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Your Sm;)e is Infectious! The facts!

February 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:31 pm

5  tips from Dr Podray to simplify your first 3 days in braces in cumming ga

It is very easy to spread smiles in North Georgia. Your smile uses only 17 muscles a very minimal effort compared to the 43 muscle groups used to frown. A smile given is often reciprocal and can compound in a numerical fashion very quickly. When your smile is contagious in this way it can impact your life and those around you in a positive way! Smiling can also lift your mood general outlook and life.


5 tips from Dr Podray to simplify your first 3 days in braces

February 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:05 pm

5  tips from Dr Podray to simplify your first 3 days in braces in cumming ga

I recently placed braces on myself to align a tooth that had become crooked. Having just re-experienced braces bliss, I can reassure you that braces are pain-free and fun! Neon Braces will add some pop art flare to your smile and clear alternatives can help you straighten your teeth in a more discrete fashion. These tips can help you overcome the challenges associated with treatment.


Retainer cause cavities

February 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:45 pm


Do Orthodontic Retainers Cause cavities?

Orthodontic retainers do not cause cavities. Cavities are formed when virulent bacteria in our mouths process sugars into acids that effectively erode the tooth structure until it collapses into a hole in the tooth. Brushing and flossing disrupt the bacteria and can reduce a person’s incidence of cavities.


Veneers vs braces?! What’s the difference? Should one come before the other?

February 1, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:03 pm

Veneers vs braces in cumming ga

I have noticed an uptick in confusing advertisements that have bombarded my Suburban home in Forsyth County, GA. I am referring to Dentists advertising services. The advertisements usually consist of 6 month Smiles, fast braces, Invisalign and veneers as well as tooth whitening services all in effort to attract the new patient whom has cosmetic concerns.

