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How much do Damon Braces cost over average braces and teeth to be treated?

April 17, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:55 pm

Damon Brackets or Damon Braces are the most expensive self ligating bracket on the market. Damon Braces are also one of the most highly recognized brands of braces among doctors and patients. I believe it to be a luxury brand of braces as the bracket design is beautiful, it’s door is robust and some treatment mechanics are simply easier to perform in office making some periodic adjustments faster. Damon Braces cost 10x more to buy from Ormco then a traditional bracket this cost is sometimes passed on to the patient depending on dental insurance and the patients malocclusion. Despite the higher material costs associated, I have never heard of an office charging 10 times more for orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic fees do vary office per office based on the dental insurance which are accepted as well as the fluctuations of a usual customary fee in a region. An Orthodontist can move teeth beautifully with any type of braces so be sure to visit an Orthodontist.


Choose the Color that Reflects Your Style

April 16, 2018

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 6:06 pm

What is the best color for braces? There is no wrong answer all Braces colors rock! The color that makes you smile is best choice. Be confident and show off your braces! I personally love choosing colors for braces, to make your teeth look the whitest choose purple or teal. If you want
