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5 tips from Dr Podray to simplify your first 3 days in braces

February 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:05 pm

5  tips from Dr Podray to simplify your first 3 days in braces in cumming ga

I recently placed braces on myself to align a tooth that had become crooked. Having just re-experienced braces bliss, I can reassure you that braces are pain-free and fun! Neon Braces will add some pop art flare to your smile and clear alternatives can help you straighten your teeth in a more discrete fashion. These tips can help you overcome the challenges associated with treatment.

  1. Warm salt water Rinses. Braces and invisalign trays rub against the inside of your checks when you talk, eat and drink. Till your body can toughen to the braces, rinse with 2 tablespoons of warm salt-water in a cup to soothe sore spots.
  2. Cut food into small pieces! Most sores occur while trying to eat with braces. This will make it easier to chew. You will not need to move your jaw from side to side in large awkward movements while eating thus limiting the amount your checks will rub against the braces. As a bonus eating carefully will limit broken brackets!
  3. Drink lots of water! Staying hydrated helps keep moisture and saliva in your mouth. Saliva keeps your checks lubricated so that your braces don’t catch against your cheeks. Extra saliva also acts as a buffer in your mouth for remineralizing your tooth enamel after meals. As a bonus you can brush with Mi Paste or HD toothpaste to help keep oral hygiene in tip top shape.
  4. Use Orthodontic wax. The wax can soften the places that are most irritating in your mouth. Dont forget to sleep with the wax in place so that your mouth can heal, this also protects your tissues when your mouth becomes dry at night.
  5. Chew sugar free gum. Chewing one piece of sugar free gum can help with soreness of the teeth by increasing blood flow. The increase in blood flow can reduce cytokines that cause discomfort and stimulate bone remodeling cells to assist in tooth movement.

I hope these tips help you get accustomed to your appliances so that orthodontic treatment can be comfortable while you achieve the smile of your dreams. Teeth move at a biologic limit due to cellular response, to optimise cell response brush and floss to reduce bacterial loads in your mouth. Ask doctor Podray if accelerated or fast braces treatments are available. We want you to have the fastest healthiest Braces treatments available.

Visit Doctor Podray in her Serenity Orthodontics locations in Cumming GA. We make Braces treatments comfortable, and have flexible appointments including Saturday Braces. Smile consultations for Braces, Damon Braces, Invisalign and retainers are free.

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