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Adult Braces: Debunking the Myths

July 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 3:57 pm
an adult woman pointing to her metal braces

Worried you might be too old for braces? Think traditional metal brackets and wires are the only way you can achieve the smile of your dreams? When considering adult braces in Cumming, there are many myths that may have you wondering if they’re worth the time and energy. Fortunately, an orthodontist is here to debunk them, set the record straight, and help you take the first step toward a more aesthetically pleasing, straighter, and healthier smile.

1.      I’m Too Old for Braces.

This is entirely false. While you may be more accustomed to seeing children and teenagers wearing braces, this is because it is easier for orthodontists and dentists to move and shift a developing jaw. As an adult, this part of your facial structure is already set in place, but that doesn’t mean it can’t move. Wearing braces as an adult does require more time, however, but plenty of individuals over the age of 18 achieve straighter teeth and more perfectly aligned bites every day because of orthodontic treatment.

2.      Traditional Metal Braces Are the Only Possible Treatment Method.

Again, this myth is quickly debunked by the list of available solutions your orthodontist provides. Yes, metal braces are a possibility for treatment; however, depending on the severity of your dental problem, there are other, more aesthetically-friendly methods that can offer beautiful results, too, such as:

3.      It Will Take Too Long to See Results.

While it is true that adults in need of braces will likely spend more time in them compared to children or teens, it doesn’t have to take years to see results. The truth is because of the numerous advancements in orthodontics, certain methods can have patients seeing an improvement in their smile in as little at 8-12 months. New techniques, styles, and technology are making orthodontics more efficient than ever, giving adults another reason not to put off treatment.

4.      Adult Braces Will Only Benefit My Appearance, Not My Oral Health.

This myth probably does more damage than any other because braces are designed to improve the aesthetics and health of a person’s smile. Living with crooked teeth? Yes, orthodontics will help to boost your confidence and enhance your smile’s appearance, but it will also make it possible to maintain better oral health. How? By realigning your teeth, you will be able to effectively clean the areas that were once difficult to reach, minimizing your risk for tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Dealing with an overbite that is causing jaw pain and excessive wear and tear on your teeth? Adult braces can proper align the bite, which can help relieve chronic pain due to strained jaw muscles.

If you have any other concerns about getting braces as an adult, don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional for clarification. Their expertise and experience will give you the insight you need to make the right decision for your dental health.

About the Author
Dr. Susan Podray-Donovan is a board-certified orthodontist with plenty of experience helping adult patients achieve their goals. She and her team at Serenity Orthodontics offer a multitude of orthodontic solutions design to treat all types of dental problems, including overcrowding, spaces between teeth, and misaligned bites. If you decide to straighten your smile with her, she can offer tips and solutions to ensure you have a successful treatment that produces outstanding results. To learn more, visit our website or call (470) 589-4475.

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