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What Are Reasons to Start Your Summer with Invisalign?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 3:21 am
friends smiling on a boat

Have you seen one too many photos of yourself with a smile featuring teeth that are gapped, crooked, or overcrowded? Maybe you feel like getting metal braces would compound the problem, at least during the treatment period. You might be looking to Invisalign to upgrade your grin, considering the treatment is subtle and people would be hard-pressed to tell that you are wearing clear aligners at all. Keep reading to learn from your orthodontist in Cumming why summer is the perfect time to get started with Invisalign!


How to Survive Your First Week with Braces

April 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:42 pm
teenager with braces

You should be happy about your recent decision to get braces because when it’s all said and done your smile is going to be in stellar condition! Since progress is a process, however, they’re probably going to take some getting used to. Don’t worry, because your orthodontist in Roswell has some tips to help you ensure your first week with braces goes smoothly.


Invisalign Versus Braces: What’s Right for Your Smile?

April 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:33 pm
woman deciding Invisalign and braces

When you are dealing with misaligned teeth, orthodontic treatment is the answer. Decades ago, traditional braces were the easy call. Now that Invisalign is available, it can be challenging to make the best decision for you. They’re both effective treatments but have distinct differences and benefits. Read on as your orthodontist in Braselton compares Invisalign versus braces to help you determine the optimal option for your grin.


Key Oral Health Tips for Summer Vacation

April 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:23 pm
man smiling on beach during summer vacation

That out-of-state adventure you’ve been looking forward to for months is almost here! Most people make a list of all the things they want to do and the places they want to go. While summer vacation is certainly a good time to decompress and put your responsibilities on hold, there’s one thing you should never take a break from – dental care. So, whether you’re going on a cross-country road trip or an international excursion, here are a few summer oral health tips from your orthodontist in Cumming to protect your smile this season.


Invest Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Smile

April 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:56 pm
Piggy bank and teeth in hands.

You lean back in your desk chair with a grin on your face—you’ve just finished filing your taxes, and you’re receiving a huge tax refund! You immediately begin thinking about what you could spend this awesome influx of cash on. Maybe you’ve worked hard this year and deserve a vacation, or maybe you’d like to take your partner out for a nice, expensive dinner. These aren’t bad ideas, but you might not even be considering one of the most important things you can spend money on: your smile! Here’s why an investment in your oral health is important and can save you a lot of time and trouble down the road.


What Does It Feel Like When You Get Braces?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:12 pm
woman with metal braces

Traditional braces can address an array of issues from minor misalignment to severe bite problems, plus they are one of the most proven orthodontic treatments. Plus, since the metal brackets and wires are anchored to your teeth, there is no risk of them accidentally being misplaced or lost, which can significantly halt your progress with discreet alternatives. However, many patients wonder if opting for traditional orthodontics will come with pain and discomfort. If you’ve asked yourself something similar, keep reading to learn from your orthodontist in Braselton all about what it feels like to get braces.


Can You Get Invisalign If You’ve Already Had Braces?

March 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:31 pm
young man holding clear aligner

Your orthodontist probably stressed the importance of wearing your retainer to preserve your results after getting your braces taken off. However, a study revealed that one in five patients stops wearing it within 19-24 months of completing orthodontic treatment. Were you one of those patients that gave up on your retainer? If so, your teeth may have shifted back to their pre-braces position. Having experienced traditional braces, you may be considering Invisalign in Cumming, but is that possible? Read on to learn more about wearing Invisalign after braces.


Is Your Child a Good Candidate for Phase One Orthodontics?

March 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:23 pm
young girl at the orthodontist

Orthodontic treatment is used to correct and prevent bite irregularities which can be a result of many different factors. This includes genetics, early loss of primary teeth, and even damaging oral habits. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends children should have a full orthodontic evaluation by age seven to determine if any issues should be corrected by Phase One Orthodontics. Continue reading to learn more from an orthodontist in Roswell.


What Are the Health Benefits of Having Straight Teeth?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 9:04 pm
woman smiles while exercising

Maybe you’ve heard that your smile is the first thing people notice. So, nobody can blame you for thinking the main benefit of straight teeth is how they benefit someone’s appearance. The truth is straight teeth have benefits that go beyond skin-deep. They can actually improve your health. Keep reading to learn from your orthodontist in Cumming how valuable properly aligned teeth really are.


How Can I Prevent and Manage Mouth Sores with Braces?

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 7:45 pm
smiling teenager with braces

On your journey to a smile upgrade with traditional braces, there can be some obstacles along the way. It’s how you respond to them that matters. If your braces are rubbing against your oral tissues and causing uncomfortable irritation, your orthodontist in Braselton has some helpful advice. Keep reading to learn some tips to prevent and manage mouth sores with braces.

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