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When Braces Attack: 3 Common Problems That Can Occur During Treatment

November 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:42 am
young girl with red hair wearing braces

Dental appliances of any kind have their pros and cons. Desiring a straighter smile often means wearing metal brackets and wire braces. As a result, many patients experience discomfort because of the shifting of teeth, but this can usually be curbed with over-the-counter pain relievers. No matter if you’re currently undergoing treatment or preparing to start, it’s important to know what to expect so that you know when to seek professional help. Fortunately, orthodontic emergencies are rare but keep an eye out for these 3 common problems you might face while wearing braces.


Metal brackets must be bonded to the surfaces of your teeth, which means that while you can clean around them with an interdental brush, you can’t get underneath the small appliance. As a result, you may find a white spot left behind once your braces come off. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening can be administered after orthodontic treatment is complete.

By addressing the yellowish stains on your teeth, you can feel better about your results and more confident in your appearance.

Loose Bracket

It can be a shock to find that one or more of your brackets is loose. It might seem as if this is a significant setback in your treatment timeline; however, your orthodontist can help.

If you’re faced with a loose bracket, it’s likely because you ate something hard, resulting in the appliance popping off. Until you can get the care you need, you might experience some slight discomfort, especially if it is rubbing against your cheeks. To remedy this, you can use dental wax to cover the bracket and create a barrier for your soft oral tissues.

Gum Inflammation

As your teeth shift, you can expect your jawbone and gums to stay somewhat swollen. This makes it easier for your pearly whites to move in the right direction. Unfortunately, it can mean more discomfort for you.

In some instances, gum inflammation can be increasingly bad in that it prevents teeth from moving or causes gums to recede, exposing too much of the natural tooth. If this happens, an orthodontist will need to intervene and determine how best to move forward. They may suggest postponing treatment until the gums can be treated.

The good news is that most instances of gum swelling are normal and will not interfere with the movement of your teeth.

When it comes to wearing braces, you’ll likely find that the most significant problem you experience is discomfort, but it’s always best to be prepared for other potential issues that can occur. Doing so will ensure you address it right away so that your treatment stays on track.

About the Author
Dr. Susan Podray-Donovan is a board-certified orthodontist who strives to help patients achieve straighter smiles. Providing orthodontic emergency dentistry, she recognizes the issues that can occur during a patient’s treatment. Although broken wires, brackets, and even swallowed appliances are rare, it’s essential that she informs patients about the potential problems that can occur along the way. If you are wearing braces and want to know more about any issues that can develop, visit our website or call (470) 589-4475.

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