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Cheap Orthodontics? Three Ways They’re Actually Affordable

July 8, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 9:17 am

Clipping coupons works for cereal and toothpaste, but it isn’t a way to score cheap orthodontics care. In fact, by definition, cheap implies a lack of value and quality. Cheap will be used here to demonstrate high quality but affordable orthodontic care. Here are three ways to meet this definition in your orthodontic treatment and walk out of the doctor’s office smiling:

1. Insurance allows for cheap orthodontics.

Most insurance plans offer a lifetime benefit for orthodontic care including your dependents. In fact, it’s becoming more widely known that orthodontia not only offers a cosmetic benefit of beautiful straight teeth, but also a functional benefit of alignment for proper chewing and speaking.

Aligned teeth are safer during eating, sleeping, and athletic activities. They also eliminate danger to the soft tissues of the mouth and excessive wear to neighboring teeth. An aligned smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also healthy. It makes sense for insurance to cover orthodontic care just like other medical care.

2. Payment plans allow for cheap orthodontics.

Realistic orthodontists know budgets are tight in our economy. So more and more doctors are offering low or zero interest financing for your treatment plan. Cost should never get in the way of achieving the smile of your dreams, establishing dental comfort, and contributing to a patient’s higher self esteem.

Check your orthodontist office for financing options. The right doctor will offer a plan that fits into your budget. The cost of the complete treatment plan, including monthly visits and maintenance fees, should be clear up front.

3. Cost per wear allows for cheap orthodontics.

Remember that designer purse or those knee-high leather boots you justified on your credit card? Price per wear was probably a factor. It makes sense to splurge on items that will be used frequently rather than a single-use garment (wedding dresses being an exception to the rule).

Stretching this line of thought to orthodontics, think about the lifelong benefit of an aligned smile. Not only will it keep you healthy but also confident throughout the rest of your life. By following your doctor’s post-treatment instructions, there’s no reason your grin won’t stay just as beautiful as the day you complete treatment. Post-treatment might require a retainer or appliance at night, but your satisfaction will last a lifetime.

Contact Serenity Orthodontics to set up a consultation today. While there’s really no such thing as “cheap orthodontics” braces are much more affordable than many people assume – and the benefits of aligned teeth far outweigh the cost of getting them. Our friendly office staff will review our no interest financing options with you and offer a realistic plan that meets your budget. We love to exceed your expectations on affordability, comfort, and results.

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