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Serenity Orthodontics Blog

The 3 Best Alternatives To Braces For Adults, And Why They Might Work For You

November 25, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:44 am

Some of us never got the orthodontic attention we needed as teens, and those people often ask us about the best alternatives to braces for adults. Grown-ups are usually not keen on the idea of having traditional braces. The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to braces for adults.

Here are our three favorites:


Don’t Lose Hope! Use These Tricks For Flossing With Braces

November 18, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:39 am

Your dentist has probably talked to you for many years about the importance of regular flossing, but you may be confused about how to achieve good flossing with braces. There are lots of flossing products and techniques that can help keep your gums healthy while you have braces.


A Basic Guide For Parents On How Braces Work

November 11, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:35 am

A lot of patients and parents express tremendous curiosity about how braces work to straighten teeth. We field a lot of questions about how exactly these little pieces of metal work together to create beautiful smiles. Lots of patients are also curious why braces have to stay on so long – some patients wear their braces for up to three years.


Is Your Child A Candidate For Invisalign For Teens? Find Out!

November 8, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 9:18 am

If your child is in middle school or early high school, you may be wondering what the best options are for braces or Invisalign for teens. Many teens and their parents ask for Invisalign because they have fears about wire braces. These worries stem from various concerns, but potential sports injuries and pure aesthetics are two of the most common that we hear regarding wire braces.

Keep reading to help determine whether Invisalign for teens is a good option for your family.


Invisalign Or Braces? Figuring Out Which Way To Go With These Pros And Cons

October 27, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:58 am

Today’s patients face the Invisalign or braces question at the start of treatment. Each treatment approach has pros and cons. The best way to weigh the odds is to set up an appointment with an orthodontist to evaluate your case.


Healthy Alternatives: 4 Options Other Than Braces To Consider

October 20, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:03 am

In the world of orthodontics, options other than braces are winning medals for patient satisfaction. The metal mouth stereotype of the 80s is no longer the only treatment approach for patients who need dental alignment. Today’s options range from less visible to more comfortable. The best part is the results are something that will leave you smiling for life. Check out 4 great alternatives:


How Does Early Orthodontic Treatment Make A Difference?

October 13, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 10:42 am

What is orthodontics? Like brushing your teeth every morning, early orthodontic treatment has proven benefits for the young patient. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends children be seen as young as seven years old. Here are some of the primary benefits of early orthodontic treatment.


Curious About Braces? What You Can Learn From An Orthodontist Free Consultation

October 6, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 10:37 am

An orthodontist free consultation is a no-risk way to learn about something valuable: your smile. Like a diamond, your smile lasts forever. It’s also valuable for your self-esteem and the functions of your daily life. But keeping it healthy and beautiful doesn’t need to cost a fortune. In fact, a comfortable and confident smile is within your reach. It all starts for free with an orthodontist consultation.


Three Things That Won’t Happen During Teeth Straightening Programs

September 26, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 10:33 am

Teeth straightening programs from your orthodontist can have great results. You can look forward to a healthy bite and a beautiful smile. But what should you expect during treatment? Here are three common fears that have proven to be fiction. The tooth fairy is not the only myth in dentistry.


Three Cool Facts About Advanced Orthodontics

September 19, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 10:25 am

Ready for these facts about advanced orthodontics to change your smile? We’re always upgrading. It’s tempting to supersize a fast food value meal. Rapidly-changing technology can enhance our phones, tablets, cable packages, and even our running shoes. Why wouldn’t you want to enhance your teeth, too?


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