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The 3 Best Alternatives To Braces For Adults, And Why They Might Work For You

November 25, 2014

Filed under: Braces — serenityortho @ 11:44 am

Some of us never got the orthodontic attention we needed as teens, and those people often ask us about the best alternatives to braces for adults. Grown-ups are usually not keen on the idea of having traditional braces. The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to braces for adults.

Here are our three favorites:

1.  Invisalign

Invisalign is perhaps the most widely known of all the alternatives to braces for adults. Invisalign involves wearing a series of clear plastic trays on the teeth for 20-22 hours each day. Every couple of weeks, a new set of trays replaces the old set. For correcting basic cosmetic problems with discrete appliances, Invisalign is usually the go-to choice for American adults.

2. Incognito Braces

Incognito Braces are often a good alternative for adults who want straighter teeth but don’t want metal braces. Incognito Braces are affixed to the back of teeth, which makes them virtually invisible to anyone but you. The Incognito system is a popular choice with people who are concerned about braces damaging the front of their teeth, or people who play wind instruments.

3.  Damon Braces

Damon Braces can be an excellent choice for adults who want a better smile and prefer a more discrete alternative to metal braces, but are not ideal candidates for Invisalign. Damon Braces are very similar to traditional braces, but they use clear brackets and non-affixed arch wires. Allowing for more fluid movement of the wires often causes less pain and provides faster results than traditional braces. Damon Braces also have more corrective capabilities than Invisalign.

Fixing your smile as an adult will be easier than you think. No matter what concerns or special needs you have, there is a corrective system that is just right for you. Serenity Orthodontics specializes in finding the best orthodontic solutions for teens and adult patients alike.

To learn more about the alternatives to braces for adults offered by Serenity Orthodontics, visit our Treatments page, or schedule a complimentary consultation.

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