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3 Things You Ought to Know if You’re Considering Adult Braces

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 8:13 pm

Sometimes, people who could get a lot out of orthodontic treatment think that braces aren’t an option for them. Adults in particular feel like they’re too old for braces, or that their teeth are too set into place for them to be effective.

That just isn’t true! Not only will an orthodontist be happy to fit you for braces, but they can absolutely make a massive positive impact on your life. If you want to learn a little bit more about the prospect of getting braces as an adult, here are a few things that would be good to know.

You Have a Lot of Options

Depending on how old you are, it’s possible that orthodontics has advanced pretty significantly since you were younger. First of all, braces have gotten much more discreet; modern brackets are small, and much less noticeable than they used to be. It’s an overstatement to say that they’re subtle, but they are much sleeker now than they were before.

Moreover, clear aligners have also become incredibly popular in recent years. You can now straighten your teeth with discreet plastic trays that you can remove before meals. This option offers a lot more versatility than other treatments.

They’re Convenient

You might worry that getting braces will interfere with your busy schedule, but they really shouldn’t take up all that much of your time. You’ll have to see your dentist for tightening every 4-6 weeks, but these appointments tend not to take very long.

A good orthodontist will make use of the latest technology to make your appointments as fast and easy as can be.

It’ll Improve Your Health

A lot has been said about the aesthetic benefits of braces, but orthodontic treatment can also make a positive impact on your health. Straighter teeth collect plaque buildup much more slowly, and they are significantly easier to clean than a crowded or crooked smile.

There are a lot of benefits to getting braces, even as an adult. Hopefully, this guide has shown you that it’s never too late for orthodontic treatment.

About Our Practice

At Serenity Orthodontics, we know that getting braces can be stressful. That’s why we work hard every day to make the process as simple and comfortable as possible for our patients. That way, you won’t dread visiting the dentist’s office; you’ll be excited to take charge of your oral health and make a change for the better.

If you have any questions about getting braces as an adult, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (678) 879-3006.

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