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4 Reason Traditional Metal Braces Are an Optimal Option  

January 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 7:26 pm
girl smiling with braces from an orthodontist in Cumming

At this moment, over 4 million people are straightening their smiles with some form of braces. No matter what chapter of life you are in, straightening your teeth can meaningfully boost your health and confidence. The question is, however, what type of teeth straightening treatment is best? It can be challenging to discover your best fit with different options, including traditional metal braces, Invisalign, ceramic braces, and more. In many cases, you must consider the length of treatment, costs, and aesthetic preferences. Using the tried-and-true method of traditional metal braces helps many people achieve their optimal smile while prioritizing their related needs. Here are 4 reasons that metal braces may be your ideal smile-straightening option, according to an orthodontist in Cumming, GA. 

1—Metal Braces Address Complex Issues Effectively 

Dental aligners and similar treatments are perfect for slightly crooked teeth and minor alignment issues. However, traditional metal braces are often far more durable and practical. You can address bite alignment issues, crowded teeth, and other more complex problems quickly and with ease through the sturdy and reliable nature of metal braces. Braces can correct the trickiest teeth more effectively than other options by providing pressure on the entire tooth evenly.

2—They Limit the Possibility of Losing Braces  

Patients who choose clear aligners are often excited about their discrete nature. However, the problem with invisible braces is just that—they’re invisible. And when you, or perhaps your absented-minded child or partner, takes their braces out of their mouth for a meal, it’s far more possible to lose them. When dining in a café, one quick distracted glance might mean tossing your leftover napkins and aligners in the garbage. Meanwhile, this is an impossibility for braces. You can daydream as much as you like during or after meals without compromising your path to a straighter smile. 

3—You Can Snack With Less Stress 

When you’re discussing straightening options with your orthodontist in Cumming, it may not occur to you, but your snacking patterns are essential to consider. Because you have to wear Invisalign braces for 22 hours per day, people who love to snack throughout their day may struggle. If you are a snacker or small meal enthusiast, you can safely enjoy your favorite foods without diminishing the effectiveness of your straightening treatment when you choose metal braces. 

4—Metal Braces Offer Faster Results 

If you have a need for speed concerning your dental treatment, metal braces are the optimal choice. Because they can place great force on your teeth evenly and simultaneously, they can move your teeth more quickly than other options. Clear aligners do not place enough force on your smile to move all of your problem teeth at once effectively. Get faster results for any type of problem, minor or severe, with metal braces. 

Don’t overlook the obvious if you’re thinking about straightening your teeth. Sometimes, the more common and reliable method is the best one. If you’re still unsure, consider asking an orthodontist in Cumming for advice.

About the Practice 

Serenity Orthodontics provides smooth and pleasant care for patients ready to straighten their smiles. Their ability to harness the industry’s latest advancements allows their team to streamline the teeth straightening process. Patients considering metal braces are entitled to a free consultation, financing options, and faster results when choosing Serenity Orthodontics to remaster their smiles. If you have questions about whether or not metal braces are for you, feel free to contact Serenity Orthodontics at (678) 879-3006 or visit their website.

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